Dental veneers, the smile makeover marvels, are ultra-thin, custom-made shells that cover the front surface of your teeth. Dr. Safina LeClair uses these porcelain or composite resin wonders as a go-to solution for enhancing the appearance of teeth with discoloration, chips, gaps or irregular shapes, unveiling a flawless and confident smile.

Dental Veneers and How They Work

Dental veneers transform teeth with imperfections into a Hollywood-worthy smile. Whether you want a brighter shade, a more uniform look or a complete smile transformation, these versatile veneers can work wonders, making you fall in love with your smile all over again.

A Personalized Smile Canvas

What makes dental veneers truly magical is the personal touch. Our dentist and team collaborates with you to create veneers that perfectly complement your facial features and meet your smile goals. It is like having an artist creating a masterpiece just for you.

The Journey to Your Dream Smile

The journey to your dream smile with dental veneers is straightforward and relatively painless. After a consultation, our team will prepare your teeth, take impressions and craft your custom veneers. Once placed, you will be amazed at the instant transformation and newfound confidence.

Get ready to shine brightly with dental veneers in Spokane, Washington! Call Audubon Dental at 509-325-4227 and schedule an appointment with us for your perfect smile!